AREA SEARCH DOGS must be trained and tested in order that user agencies be ensured that they are using a quality team. Training and testing are inseparable. Quality cannot be tested into a dog team. Testing serves only as a quality control measure. Training is at the core of the validity of a detector dog team and is the foundation of that team’s service.
The need for a specialist dog trained to locate live human subjects as well as recently deceased humans is clear. SDONA feels that a rigorous performance evaluation will result in a canine which can search for the lost human subject whether they are alive or deceased in many situations. The Area Search Operational Readiness Test (ORT) provides an opportunity to test a K9 team to rigorous, field-appropriate standards that mimic a 24-48 hour operational mission period.
Before you sign up for this testing event, please be sure to carefully review the entire Area ORT testing document with requirements and testing parameters.
When: May 11-12, 2020
Where: Flagstaff, AZ
Cost: $125 per handler/dog team.
Lunch/meals will not be provided. As this is an Operational Readiness Test, the handler is responsible for all provisions for themselves and their K9 for the entire testing period.