This land-based workshop allows participants to work search areas including grassy fields, woods, urban environments, and buildings. Participants will have the opportunity to work a wide range of source materials; including the ability to expose their dogs to full body decomposition. Classroom instruction will include the human decomposition process, bone identification, forensic taphonomy, and much more.
Space is limited to 36 working spots. Unlimited auditor spots are available.
Schedule: Day 1 – focus on solidifying the final response and reward systems, which will immediately coincide with small group exercises to reinforce the trained final response.
Afternoon Day 1 - Day 2 we will maintain our distinct approach with three field exercise periods that include stations that reinforce team techniques in building searches, area search, and working on full body decomposition.
Day 3 - a full day of training and will feature additional final response training, and an additional opportunity to work on full body decomposition and isolated large source remains.
Instructors: Lisa Higgins, Brad Dennis, Paul S. Martin, Deana Hudgins, and others.
Cost: Working Spot (1 dog only) $375, Auditor Spot $200
Meals: Lunches will be provided each day.
Hotels: A block of rooms will be held near the training site. Upon completing your registration, you will receive an email with hotel information so that you can reserve your room.
1. Dog must be at least 12 months old and have at least 6 months of HR training.
2. Dog must have a reliable trained final response for HRD.
3. Dog must be current on core vaccinations per AAHA Core Vaccines: Rabies, and Combination vaccine (Distemper, Adenovirus-2, Parvovirus, +/- Parainfluenza). Current titers also accepted.
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